Why shouldn’t we drink water after eating fish
A funny answer to the advisory “Don’t drink Water after eating fish”. Because the water may cause the Fish…
A funny answer to the advisory “Don’t drink Water after eating fish”. Because the water may cause the Fish…
It is revealed that the actual winner of famous Tortoise and Rabbit race is Rabbit. Then how the Tortoise became winner?
The doctor asked to spend at least one hour per day on the treadmill. This is one interesting way to spend time in tread mill.
HILARIOUS MESSAGE FROM A FRUSTRATED VICTIM OF CHAIN MESSAGES – I want to thank all my friends who have forwarded chain messages to me in […]
Who are lizards? They are those poor crocodiles who forgot to have Horlicks when they were young.? ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ What is a Pizza..? A Pizza.. is just […]
How to ask for a new phone in a different way. The perspective of Old generation towards technology.
Funniest way to write a name board and see the space changes the meaning altogether.
A funny answer on the question “Are you drunk?”
A good wife can bring balance to your life. See this.
The most famous health tips and genuine doubts of common people.