This is an amazing find out that somebody start to share on net, it might be a coincidence, but still worth to share here. It is showing the count of letters with most of the common used words and see the fun below. Enjoy and Love our LIFE:
- CHURCH has 6 letters so does TEMPLE and MASJID.
- BIBLE has 5 letters so does GEETA and QURAN.
- LIFE has 4 letters so does DEAD.
- LOVE has 4 letters, so does HATE.
- FRIENDS has 7, so does ENEMIES.
- TRUTH has 5, so does LYING .
- HEAL has 4, so does HURT .
- POSITIVE has 8, so does NEGATIVE .
- SUCCESS has 7, so does FAILURE.
- ABOVE has 5, so does BELOW.
- JOY has 3 letters, so does CRY.
- HAPPY has 5, so does ANGER.
- RIGHT has 5, so does WRONG.
- RICH has 4, so does POOR.
- PASS has 4, so does FAIL.
- KNOWLEDGE has 9, so does IGNORANCE.